Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pyjama Day

Hello again, school peers.

This week I have a rather interesting situation to present to you all - and that is Wantirna College's glorious Year 12 pyjama day.

Well I've put the word Glory in for a reason there, and that is because I soon realised after seeing the bubbly signs all over the locker bays, that I don't wear pyjamas! Well before you laugh immaturely and make nude jokes that reference Charlie Sheen, I don't actually sleep naked. It seems however, that most people in the year level don't own pyjamas either; as many are buying pairs for fear of having nothing to wear, and rocking up with the excuse "I sleep in an invisibility cloak". But finding adequate pyjamas is a very difficult task.

My first thought was to visit Knox tomorrow to buy some, Until I realised I'd probably end up in ozmosis, getting distracted by an extremely attractive shop assistant.
My next thought was to head to the Salford park retirement home, however it seems old folk tend to be less conscious of their bowel movements, so perhaps borrowing pyjamas off uncle Bill will be a bad idea as well. It seems the perfect pair of pyjamas are very elusive...

My only final option is to borrow pyjamas from Wantirna-renowned mathematician, Mr. Beavis. However this will be risky, as due to the fact that it is not casual friday, he will deny owning pyjamas, saying he just sleeps in his suit.

My peers, I bid you good luck finding suitable pyjamas for the day. The task will be hard and will lead many of you astray. If you fail in finding a pair, a bathrobe and cigar ALWAYS work. Look at Hugh Hefner!

Until next time, friends!

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