Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The End

The sun sets on Wantirna College for another year...

Good evening, Wantirna College community!

You have now reached the end of this wonderful blog! This week is the 25th and final edition, and while nobody will read it due to cramming for tomorrow's English exam, I thought this one had better be big!

Over the last year, as a year twelve group we have been a part of some extraordinary things. We've been moved out of locker bays, outrun by Mr. Lewis, twisted around construction fences, locked out of toilets, and have endured countless hours of lectures by Bob Hillman in mentor groups every Tuesday.

In between, we've had to deal with Ms. Bell and Mr. Churchward's political structure of the school, some fantastic assemblies (my favourite being the notorious "Wantirna Goss" assembly!) as well as the turbulent nature of the year twelve social committee!

Every Wednesday night, these events have been documented (with a few stabs at Canadians, Tasmanians and Salford park residents kneeded in along the way!) on this cozy little website! It has been an absolute honour writing this blog for you, and I hope its content has provided some relief during the stressful times!

Thank you to the students and teachers who have followed me over the last few months. Thank you even more to the teachers whose daily jobs gave me inspiration to write this! And lastly, thank you to Ms. Bell! While I have not heard directly that you have read this blog, I will now confess that it was me who edited the School's wikipedia page, so I'm glad you enjoyed that at least!

The time has now come. We must all go our seperate ways. I myself will probably spend next year sitting at Knox City shopping centre, with a sideways hat and a straightened fringe! ...Hey, while I'm at it, maybe I should become a DJ!

Not really - I'll be heading to Libya to study a degree of military leadership, so I can head back to Wantirna College to teach!

All the very best,

Sam Sinclair
Wantirna College Student


  1. Thankyou Sam for all of your efforts in producing this Blog. You've kept us entertained, enthralled and in stitches for much of the year. This is a truly memorable achievement, one that may dim in our ageing minds but that we will never forget.

    B Block

  2. I'm a year 9 currently and I loved reading through your blog posts, I asked Mr Kelly if he knew you and he definitely still remembers.

    He said in these words "He was a legend of the creative and slightly bizarre. An extremely likeable chap. Thanks for the memory. I’ll pass this on to the other teachers mentioned in it."
