Thursday, September 8, 2011

Your average college week!

Hello again Wantirna Watchers!

This week has been another big week at Wantirna College - there are a few events that have happened that I must comment on. First, it is great to see the language/science centre finally completed. I noticed that apart from the sandstone bricks, much of the outside is painted a dark navy colour. Great colour choice, Principal team! It's going to look brilliant once the year nines make themselves at home!

Now Mr. McMillan has got busy this week! The renowned senior Legal Studies teacher has managed to band together the VCAL group and organise a charity can swap for a sausage and drinks, with donations going to the salvation army. It was inspiring to see many students swapping their cans for food items (and putting the canteen out of business!!), however there are two flaws in the plan!

A:)      Due to the lack of advertising in advance, many students were forced into donating slabs of beer and spray cans from their lockers - all they had on hand!

B:) Once a can was donated, the can of drink could be again donated for another once drunk. Thus the cycle repeats infinitely!

The third and final topic I'd like to discuss was the English practise exam held in the senior centre yesterday! Ms Sgroi (The famous rival of the great Mr. Newnham) has done a tremendous job of rounding up the year level's core English students and holding them in a room for three hours! While in there, her subordinates watched as the year was forced to discuss making rugs, burning witches and fighting by the bay. Sadly I do not study core english, so rather than partaking in these activities I was at knox, eating fast food like every other greasy teenager... However it seems that the material used in the english course has become rather bland when compared with its importance in life!
It's almost like a man of any profession can walk in to the VCAA these days and their material will be included in the course. Personally, I'd sooner read the "movie novel" of Brokeback mountain before I read a book about making carpets!

Well that's another week at Wantirna College! I hope to see you all next week for another exciting adventure!


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