Thursday, October 27, 2011

A day in St Kilda

Wantirna Watchers!

Good evening. First and foremost, welcome to the second last of the great 25 blog posts of "Adventures of a Wantirna College Student". If you are new to the blog, please take a moment to look through some past entries and relive some fine year 12 moments of 2011!

For those of you who do not know, it has been a highly successful year for the year 12 students - the college's current alpha group. But just as Mufasa was brutally scratched off the side of a cliff by his comrade, yesterday meant the end of our reign. It was a grand day, full of uniforms fashioned into teen-appropriate clothing, sombreros and music!

Today was also quite a memorable day. In a bid to get us out of the school, the senior co-ordinators and social committee sent us to St. Kilda's Luna park for the day. As well as trying to stop glad wrapping and silly string turning nuclear, the excursion was designed to allow Wantirna's year 12's to explore St. Kilda culture as a 'stepping stone' into the real world.

Ringwood Secondary College also joined us for the show, succeeding us in the Luna Park trip. While St. Kilda was a very welcoming place, it was surprising to find that it in fact is not as it is portrayed. Despite there being hundreds of schoolgirls in the suburb today, Ricky Nixon was nowhere to be found...
Overall, it was still an excellent day. We headed back to school, and after a brief propaganda speech, were dismissed - forever! Goodbye Wantirna College!

Please help celebrate the year by joining me next week for the final (25th) blog post ever! There will be ice cream and wine tasting and the splendid unveiling of my gift to all of you - "The Coachroll!"


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Black Dog

Hello Wantirna Watchers!

It is great to be on the web again - as some of you may have noticed, blogging for "Adventures of a Wantirna College Student" has been on unnofficial hiatus. This is because of a recent hip replacement that rendered me unable to use the internet!

No, I cannot lie to my peers. I did in fact not get a hip replacement (or undergo any medical procedures). The truth is that many of my teachers decided to play practical jokes, scheduling SACs just a few short weeks before exams! I unfortunately fell victim to the amusement, and as a result, blogging ceased temporarily. I do love a good joke at someone's expense every now and then, so I am keen to forgive on that one!

As many of you are by now aware, Wantirna College has a new "community member". A black dog by the name of "Tyrone". As a young twelve year old boy, I strongly remember struggling fiercely to have my enrollment accepted by Wantirna College - scraping in at last minute. However, these days it seems the college are accepting enrollments from all mammals in the animal kingdom. Well done Principal team!

Now our furry friend was introduced to us the other day at assembly as a "guide dog in training". However, due to the presence of a police officer, combined with the unneccessary need for Tyrone to walk through the students on his way to centre stage, it appears bluntly obvious what is going on.

Tyrone (if that is his real name) is not a guide dog, but a sniffer dog in disguise! It is a known observation that the college, in the eyes of the media, has been notorious in the past for shady events, and now it is that time of the year again! And coincidentally, the school enroll a "guide dog" to innocently sniff students' bags for the most destructive of narcotics! The school's plan last Tuesday was to catch students red handed using Tyrone to walk through the crowd! Ms Bell and a police officer were both present at the time, at the ready to apprehend any suspects!

However, unfortunately for College staff, "Tyrone" ditched drug sniffing for a toilet break. A rookie's mistake.

That will teach the school for locking the toilets!
