Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big Brother is watching...

Greetings school chums!

I have some exciting news that will benefit the ears of my more "stalker" fans (if you have a lifesized poster of me on your wall wearing metro designer clothing and expressing a "cute" half-smile, I'm talking about you) and that is that today marks the 21st edition of "Adventures of a Wantirna College Student". The number 21 is an important number at Wantirna College for three reasons:

21 individuals - The number of Year 12 students who are present in mentor group at any given Tuesday.
21 Hours - The longest detention Mr Arico has ever given.
21 Litres - The amount of pink paint that was used to decorate the year 9 locker bays last week!

How exciting! While you are celebrating this fine fact, let's move on to our serious issue for the week...

Peers, I am being watched. I knew this day would come! They are onto me! This week, many of Wantirna's teachers have been behaving quite strangely in my presence. Countless times this week I have walked into the senior centre to find Mr Moschetti and Mr Kelly cowering in fear of me! Countless times have I been studying in the library, to find Ms Lindton staring bullets into my head! Other teachers have shown not much more than subtle twitches as they pass me in G block, but that is certainly not accidental! Were the teachers blaming me for the price increase of Dim Sims at the canteen? Were they still holding a grudge on my hideous Deb ball dancing last year? No, I found out the answer in an encounter with Mr Pearson last monday...

"Encounter with Mr. Pearson"

This is horrible news peers! Now it is a known fact that Wantirna's "Code of Cooperation" system is just a fancy name for communism. And I hear Ms Bell has been learning a thing or two from China's president, Hu Jintao over the last few months. This recent alliance will most likely mean the internet will be censored by the Bell government, while I am hunted off the face of the earth.

Never fear peers! Like Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, I will never remain silent! It is my duty to portray the spirit of the College students, whether communism likes it or not! I must break the chains of oppression,  return next week!

It will be a difficult journey. I'm sure Mr Booth will be on my tail as I escape the country for a safehouse in Zimbabwe...

Farewell peers,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Band Camp

Hello my good friends!

Well tonight is blog day, and it is great to actually get a post out on a Wednesday! The last few weeks, due to taking up harp lessons and starting a stamp collection (which I intensely gaze at during nightfall), most blogs are being released on a Thursday. While this is not a good habit, a large portion of teachers are usually a month late with marking work.
This past week at Wantirna College, two HUGE events have taken place. Alot of you may not know what they are, due to the communist structure of the school, but there was infact two camps that ran for select students of all years. The camps were open to all years, from the prepubescant year 7's to the pleasant and tasteful year 12 students. Last week was production camp, a gathering of all the flamboyant, confident and charismatic individuals in one small room. Having been there as a special guest this year, I must say the experience was more intense than serving kangaroo meat at an animal rights meeting. The second camp was the notorious band camp...

Band camp students came back today. It sure is a suspicious event! In fact, the whole music program is a suspicious thing. The program, to the naked eye, seems like a perfectly healthy normal school group. But why is it that the school only plays brass music, when there are so many other genres! Mr. Hargrave's absence this year has only made the program appear to be more of a cult...He left telling students he had found a job at a girl's school, but this is untrue, as only females are allowed there. FLAWED EXCUSE!

No sign of Mr Hargrave...

Thus, I have three questions about music, which I need answering to!
  1. Why are only brass players allowed on band camp?
  2. What country is Mr Hargrave currently hiding in?
  3. Why do they only play brass music? Is it some kind of mind control?
Please answer these questions quickly in the comments peers! Best answer wins. If you don't, the cult will grow before we can stop it! If the music program continues to exist secretively, we may very well lose our freedom to live...

All the best!